Become A Sponsor
Dear Neighbor and Friend,
As a member of your community, we want to thank you in advance for taking the time to review our Sponsorship Package and to consider supporting our baseball program at Oso. Oso is a non-profit organization founded by parents of our community who want to promote positive youth development and give our children the opportunity to learn not only the fundamentals of baseball but excellence in athletic instruction and competition. As with all non-profit organizations, success is dependent on a variety of factors: The kids who have found the passion for the game, our parent and community members who take the time to volunteer for services such as, coaching, board members, concession stand workers and SPONSORS! That would be where you come in to the picture to make this all happen.
We need your support to give our neighborhood kids a life-changing experience. Many young boys and girls have benefited by participating in our baseball program. We strive to have the children have a love for the game, stay active and become future strong members of their community. Your funding will go towards expenses such as field costs, insurance fees, scholarships, trophies, training equipment, umpires, coaching clinics and other related costs.
Thank you for taking the time and consider giving back to the community. We look forward to hearing from you to help our baseball program grow!
$1,500 GRANDSLAM SPONSORSHIP: Provides announcements and advertisement of your company throughout all games at the field. Your company’s website information on our official web site and an advertised banner for your organization displayed on the field. Company name on back of team shirts. A sponsor plaque and a tax deduction receipt.
$1,200 SCOREBOARD SPONSORSHIP: Provide company advertisement on scoreboard on division field of choice and a tax deduction receipt. Company name on back of team shirts.
$1,000 BLEACHER SPONSORSHIP: Provide company advertisement prominently displayed on set of bleachers in division of choice and a tax deduction receipt. Company name on back of team shirts.
$750 HOMERUN SPONSORSHIP: Your company’s website information on our official web site. An advertised banner for your organization displayed on the field, sponsor plaque and a tax deduction receipt. Company name on back of team shirts.
$500 TRIPLE SPONSORSHIP: An advertised banner for your organization displayed on the field, a sponsorship plaque and a tax deduction receipt. Company name on back of team shirts.
$350 DOUBLE SPONSORSHIP: A sponsorship plaque and a tax deduction. Company name on back of team shirts.
$250 SINGLE SPONSORSHIP: A tax deduction receipt. Company name on back of team shirts.